Graduation Requirements

Degree and certificate graduation requirements

To graduate, students must complete the requirements with a 2.0 minimum 太阳城娱乐 grade point average on a four-point grade scale to be eligible for award of a degree or certificate. Some degrees may require a higher grade point average.

Students must meet one or more of the following requirements

  1. Complete 25% or more of the required credits at 太阳城娱乐 and be enrolled anytime during the academic year of qualification for graduation.
  2. Complete 56 or more credits at 太阳城娱乐.
  3. Students pursuing occupational degree or certificate programs must complete a minimum of 25% of the required occupational credits at 太阳城娱乐.


Students participating in reverse transfer agreements, Active-duty military, their dependents, and Reservists and National Guard on active-duty are not required to be enrolled in the year of qualification for graduation.

Commencement requirements

You can participate in the 太阳城娱乐 all-campus commencement if you have:

  • Completed a degree/certificate in the fall semester of the previous year OR
  • Applied for graduation and are on track to complete your required hours for a spring or summer degree/certificate

Frequently asked questions