Associate in Engineering (A.E.)

The Associate in Engineering (A.E.) degree is a preprofessional program that prepares students to transfer to a four-year college or university offering a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering. Most 太阳城娱乐 students transfer to the University of Missouri-Columbia, the University of Missouri-Kansas City or the Missouri University of Science and Technology.

Students should check the catalog of the school they plan to transfer to or speak with an engineering program advisor or counselor to make sure they're taking the right classes.

Career and salary information

Visit the MoSCORES website for information on 太阳城娱乐's programs, including length, credit hours, and wage and employment data. Search Metropolitan Community College. Note: The historical data listed is informational and can vary based on the number of credit hours students earn, local wage conditions and other factors.

Transfer made simple

Many 太阳城娱乐 students plan to transfer. Whatever your transfer destination, we'll work to make sure your credits move easily. That's why we're experts at it.

We've worked out specific transfer agreements with many four-year colleges and universities, so make sure you speak with an academic advisor before enrolling, particularly since transfer agreements can change based on curriculum revisions.

Learn more about 太阳城娱乐's seamless transfer

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